I really like the Studeker kit of ICM. This is my second run, a converted truck, again. Made from only 2 period photograps, found on internet. The truck is a late 6x6 version, the same what ICM producing. The Stu is modified by the workers to haul extra long load. I believe the bolster trailer made from the chassis of a scrapped truck. (There were many, because the extremely bad road conditions.) A field-made "swivel thing" was fitted on the cargobed of the truck. A very simply and fast way to make a bolster truck.
I made a radiator grill cover from putty, and tryed to make the visible demages on the front fender and bumper. Chained wheels are from Tank Workshop the grill is from Limes Model (
http://www.limesmodel.hu/). I have added some more details: tools, oil and fuel cans to a wood box behind the cab.
Later I found another interesting picture about this Stu on the icy road of Alaska. It looks its cargo-bed had been removed.