If You spend some days in Budapest, don't forget to watch the exhibition of Robert Capa's photographs! (www.ludwigmuseum.hu) The World's greatest war photographer born in Budapest, Hungary in October 22, 1913. His original name was Endre Erno Friedmann, later He tryed to find his luck as André Friedmann in France. Before the Second World War He moved to the USA and picked up the Robert Capa name. He made numerous unforgettable pictures from the Spanish Civil War across WWII. to Vietnam. I'm shure everybody know the "Death of a militiaman" or the unsharp but very famous serie of his D-Day shots. He said: "If your pictures are not good enough, it means you were not near enough!" He died at Thai-Binh, Vietnam, May 25, 1954. He thinked about us and made several pics about soft skin wehicles too. Here are few examples, enjoy them!